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Added on 12 November 2013

This is an extract from the above Policy: - The village green spaces cannot be used for: -

  • An activity that is inappropriate for an area that it is deemed to be a public nuisance by virtue of Section 29 of the Commons Act 1876, it is unlikely to be treated as lawful.
  • Street Trading – this includes selling any item for business or pleasure unless it is an organised event by the owners of the land e.g. a village fete/street fair. A special licence is required for this. This is explained on the Breckland Council website in more detail: -, or see the village notice boards or contact the Parish Council Clerk for information.
  • Organised games with groups of teams.
  • Digging up the land or planting trees or plants in it without prior permission from the Parish Council.
  • Erecting notices/advertisements on the land without the permission of the Parish Council and Breckland Council.  This does not include notices held in a Parish Council notice board.
  • Parking of motor vehicles. The Parish Council requests NO PARKING ON ALL GRASSED AREAS of these green spaces, in order that they can be preserved for communal use. Please park your vehicle on the tarmac roads and not the grass. This helps to preserve the structure of the land and the quality of the grass.
  • Driving vehicles onto or across the land as this damages the land.
  • Wilfully damaging any property owned by the Parish Council situated on the green space.
  • The trees and hedge on the land are an amenity. They are not to be used as play equipment.
  • Cutting or pruning the trees and hedge on the land by anyone other than those appointed by the Parish Council.  Please notify the Parish Council if there is a problem with the branches.
  • Enclosing by fencing any of the green spaces in order to make it inaccessible to the public and prohibit their enjoyment of the green space.


Statement regarding Caston Remembrance Book >